Hope 4 Life NI, The Home of The Uberheroes® Youth Programme
Uberheroes® is a pre-emptive, early intervention programme that uses the true stories of young people who have navigated adverse experiences, retold in superhero themed comics where the heroes represent characteristics and strengths that support mental health and the villains represent issues that undermine wellbeing (all these characters were created by children and young people). This use of story empowers young people to share their stories, mostly anonymously, in ways which many have described as cathartic while also facilitating children and young people in schools, community and other groups to explore real life situations, to recognise triggers and early warning signs that, if unchecked, can lead to crisis and to identify strategies to protect mental health. Over 600 young people participated in the focus groups, proof of concept and pilot sessions which set the agenda for the development of this innovative initiative.