
How To Get Involved
There are many ways for you to get involved with our Charity through choosing to fundraise to support the Prevention and Early Intervention work we deliver for Children, Young People and Adults across all of Northern Ireland.
We thought that we would provide you with some suggested fundraising ideas and tips, although this is not an exhaustive list.
If there is something you would like to do and it’s not on the list, that’s great, just give us a call for us to support you on this or pick one of the activities that best suits your hobbies or interests, connect with us as we would love to support your fundraising from beginning to end!
Contact us at

Fundraising Ideas & Inspirations
Click here to have a look through some of our fundraising ideas and inspirational suggestions, we want you to find the perfect fundraising activity for you, your family and friends, or indeed at your workplace!
Gather Donations via Just Giving
Set up your own fundraising page to gather donations for your fundraising activity using Just Giving!
When you click here, this will take you to the Hope 4 Life NI Just giving page, scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will see a number of dropdown links.
Please choose “For Fundraisers and Donors”
A good start to this is to click “Help & Support” as this will give you a good knowledge on what you need to do to set up your own fundraising page for Hope 4 Life NI
Once you have reviewed how to set this up, please then choose “Raise money for a Charity” and this will take you to a login page for you to set up your account.

Top Fundraising Tips
We have included some of the tips that we have been learnt from listening to previous and existing fundraisers, we thought that it would be helpful to create an infographic with the top 10 tips we know that you’ll need to know to help you kick start your new fundraising campaign!
One wee gem we thought would be really helpful to highlight here is to let those who are helping you to fundraise and are making donations is to absolutely encourage anyone who is a UK Taxpayer to include “Gift Aid”, this costs nothing to them personally but adds an additional 25% to the overall funds raised through HMRC